Anime Reviews Reviews

Retro Review – Birdy the Mighty: Decode

I may have mentioned this here in the past, but I’ll say it again for the benefit of people who haven’t had a chance to read my FAQ page – I’ve been writing first episode reviews since around Spring of 2007, but aside from some early stuff on LiveJournal, which I believe exists to this day (though LiveJournal, ugh) I ended up losing a lot of that early writing due to various factors somewhat beyond my control. But actually that isn’t the truth anymore, because I’ve been able to recover access to them recently.

One thing I’ve heard wise people say is that if you look back on who you once were and it causes you to cringe a little, that means you’ve improved as a person. That’s a nice thought, and having skimmed through some of my old writing I’d like to think that holds true for myself. I wasn’t a good writer or critic back in those old days, and I definitely expressed my share of terrible takes about anime. That said, I thought it might be fun to revisit some of those old reviews by dusting a few of them off and updating them with some of my more current opinions about the series in question, if I’ve since had the opportunity to watch them.

Disclaimer: The retro review may be edited slightly for things like spelling errors and such, as well as for language if necessary. I used to use language and/or terminology back then that I would never use now, and don’t want anyone to think that I would currently condone saying anything that is directly hurtful toward others. Anime fandom is a place for everyone. Any of my current commentary embedded in the retro review will be indicated by brackets [ ]

Anime Reviews Reviews

Odd Taxi Episode 6 – Deterioration

This weekend was the first time in quite a while that I spent any amount of time out in public simply for the purposes of having fun. I’m not normally someone who longs to be outside, but after spending such a large fraction of time stuck inside over the past year, I was hungry (literally, as it turned out) for some big, dumb event. My state’s state fair organization held a series of mini-events over the past week for folks to spend time on the fairgrounds eating fair food and doing activities, and while it definitely wasn’t the same as actually being at the event (I’m still a little wary of that – our state fair is considered one of the best in the country and attendance numbers will attest to that fact) it scratched an itch that I wasn’t aware needed addressing.

Now that I’m sufficiently sunburnt from that and then spending another couple of hours outside that day caddying for my husband (disc golf, not actual golf), I feel like I’m sufficiently back in the mood for some anime. To any other bloggers reading out there (I feel like that’s most of my audience at this point, lol) make sure you take some time out for yourself to have some fun if you can. It really helps to refresh your brain a little bit after sitting in front of your computer for hours at a time; without nurturing your mental health (in whatever way that means to you) it becomes easy for it to crumble and deteriorate.

As always, this post will contain spoilers up to and including this point in Odd Taxi. Be sure to check out my previous entries for this series, linked below for your convenience:

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5