30 Day Anime Challenge Special Features

30 Day Anime Challenge #5 – An Anime I’m Ashamed That I Enjoyed

I secretly hope that with each one of these very simple writing prompts I’ll manage to come up with a straightforward answer that gets to the heart of my appreciation for anime. Unfortunately, this one has probably managed to drum up some of the most complicated feelings I’ve had thus far. The question itself has more depth than it might seem on the surface; it delves to the heart of what causes shame and how we often question our own feelings about the things that we love.

My brief, contrarian answer is that I try not to be ashamed of anything that I watch. I’ve definitely come to the end of an anime series and felt that I could have better spent my time, but for the most part I knowingly choose the anime I consume and whatever the outcome, I’m not hesitant to talk about it with others. I don’t hide the fact that I’ve watched and enjoyed anime that other fans have disliked, sometimes intensely. One example that I’ve mentioned several times before is The Perfect Insider, which I found to be philosophically compelling and emotionally affecting. Many other fans were quite vocally unimpressed by one aspect of the series or another. The Lost Village is another recent example; it was goofy in a but had an underlying message that spoke to me. I’m not ashamed of having enjoyed these anime series, but I am disappointed in my inability to convince other fans that they’re worthwhile and have some amount of merit.

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Autumn 2018 Anime – What I’m Looking Forward To

How in the world are we bumped up against October already? As usual, due to my real-life commitments and day job, I’m left playing catch-up with this past season’s anime. But I suppose that doesn’t mean I can’t look ahead towards the anime I’ll be catching up with in another three months or so! These posts are meant to be all in fun; while I usually have some ideas about what I’m likely to enjoy, I’m almost always surprised in one way or another. Last season I was pleasantly caught off-guard by Planet With, for example – a show that I had very little awareness of prior to the beginning of the season.

This post should not be taken as a blanket endorsement of the anime series listed below; each and every one of them has the potential to misrepresent itself in ways that only become evident upon actual viewing. It’s really fun to get excited, though! I think we always need reminders that anime is worth getting excited about, and there’s always something good to watch.

Note: I’m using the current Western titles of these series to the best of my ability and as they appear in various anime news and information outlets, in the hopes that they’ll be easy to find when the simulcast info comes out. That doesn’t mean the official titles won’t be somewhat different than listed.