First Impressions Reviews

Spring 2019 First Impressions – NamuAmidaButsu! ~Utena~

The Thirteen Buddha, along with Taishakuten and Bonten, must confront the evil Māra. Māra seeks revenge against Shaka Nyorai, who had previously saved the world from suffering and conflict by achieving enlightenment. ANN

Streaming: Crunchyroll and Hidive

Episodes: 12

Source: Game

Episode Summary: It’s been centuries since Taishakuten and Bonten have visited the material world, so when they easily dispatch a manifestation of human vice and want something else to do afterward, they’re thwarted by all the modern conveniences (like washing machines and supermarkets) that have appeared in the meantime. The other Buddha tell them to relax and enjoy their time on Earth, but sitting around is boring and they’re both chomping at the bit to rid the world of other vices.

Shaka Nyorai takes the two out on an instructional journey, and points out that all humans suffer from some sort of vice, though most are small. The heavenly inclination would be to dispatch them before they grow larger, but that would take every hour of every day in perpetuity. Part of being human is learning to thwart these things on one’s own, and thus Taishakuten and Bonten need to learn when to leave well-enough alone. Just as they are settling into Earthly life, however, the peace is disturbed by the presence of an old enemy.