
What I’m Watching – Carole & Tuesday (Eps. 1-12)

Note: This post contains some spoilers for the series through episode 12.

This past weekend I got the opportunity to speak at GalaxyCon, a multi-media fandom convention in my hometown. We capped off our weekend presenting “Shiny New Anime,” a panel where my husband and I share thoughts about and clips of some of our favorite anime from the past year (on a roughly 12-month rolling scale… sometimes stuff a little bit older sneaks in there if it has a second season or we missed it the first time around). In the lead-up to a convention, I generally try to catch up and finish at least some of the series on my plate; my general viewing habits aren’t that great, and while I’m sure I’d get more done if I kept up with anime on a weekly basis, the reality is that aside from a few shows where being caught-up is pretty necessary (Attack on Titan comes to mind), I tend to watch anime in multi-episode chunks after-the-fact.

Conventions Special Features

GalaxyCon Minneapolis – Panel Materials

Hi everyone! We had a great time at the inaugural GalaxyCon Minneapolis, and appreciate that they allowed us to run some of our anime programming there. Below are my panel materials from Shiny New Anime. There are only minor differences between this version of the panel and the one that we gave at Anime Fusion, but I was able to swap a couple of things out and added in a clip for Carole & Tuesday, which I was able to watch in the interim (well, the first half at least… thank you, Netflix).

Feel free to download these, share them, and enjoy them. If you re-purpose them in any way, please provide me credit. While I obviously don’t create the anime that are featured in the presentation, I do write up my own descriptions, put together the slide presentation, and cut all the clips which can get time-consuming! Mostly I just want to share my love and enjoyment of anime with the community, though, which is why I offer this stuff with pretty much no questions asked.

Shiny New Anime – Handout
Shiny New Anime – PowerPoint Presentation

Please let me know if there are any broken links, and thank you!

30 Day Anime Challenge Special Features

30 Day Anime Challenge #8 – Favorite Anime Couple

I’m sure some of you will recall that I was attempting the “30 Day Anime Challenge” at some point, right? Personally I just use the prompts when I can’t think of things to write about on my own; I’m not hung up on the 30 days being consecutive, obviously. In any case, while I catch up on some of my anime-watching behind the scenes, I thought I’d try to tackle some more items off of this particular list.

This subject is actually a little bit difficult for me, to be honest. I wouldn’t say that I seek out much anime where romance and character couplings are the primary concern of the story. Anime romance, like other genres, tends to center young people. While teens definitely have the potential to experience the full range of emotions that come along with love and loss, many anime stories focus more on overcoming the hurdle of confessing one’s feelings than the subsequent development of a relationship -and I’m honestly more interested in the latter. Keeping that in mind, it seems like that would narrow the potential pool quite a bit.


Galaxycon 2019

Hi folks. It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to let you all know that J.C. and I will be serving as panelists at the first ever Galaxycon Minneapolis. Our convention leadership at Anime Detour invited us to help provide some anime programming for this convention, and so we’ll be there on Friday and Sunday doing just that! This will be a new experience for us, both due to the location (the Minneapolis Convention Center – I’ve attended conventions there in the past, but never participated in one) and the type of convention. It’s more of a broad fandom event with lots of high-profile guests from TV, film, comics, anime, etc. It promises to be a fun time!

Gaming Personal

Just For Fun – Minecraft

The other day I heard one of my Facebook acquaintances complaining about their kid’s obsession with Minecraft, and how they just don’t understand it. I can relate, but maybe not in the way they might expect. In my household, I’m the one obsessed with Minecraft – although I do have a pretty good handle on why it appeals to me. Though, at almost 38 years old, I might be a little bit of an anomaly, or at least outside the “average.”