Conventions Special Features

Anime Detour Online 2021 – Panel Materials

Hi friends, both old and (potentially) new. If this post is visible then I have already completed presenting duties for Anime Detour Online – at least when it comes to panels that actually have accompanying materials. I hope things went out without a hitch, but if they didn’t, here’s my presentation for you to watch on your own without any technical difficulties.

I’ve also included the presentation from the previous time we did Shiny New Anime, which would have been back in October 2019 (so long ago, in the before times). If you’re interested in what anime we were talking about back then, well, there’s your answer!

Please note: These presentations contain embedded video, and are quite large. They may take a minute or two to download. They also may only play in the full version of PowerPoint; I’m told that the videos don’t do so well in Google Slides or whatever it’s called.

Anime Detour Online 2021 – PowerPoint

Anime Fusion 2019 – PowerPoint

Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Spring 2021 First Impressions – Mars Red

Streaming: Funimation

Episodes: 13

Source: Stage Production

Story Summary: Major Maeda returns to Tokyo after several months and is assigned to the task of interpreting whether a captured vampire might somehow be recruited as an ally in tackling the country’s quickly-emerging vampire crisis. Misaki was an actress, killed in a freak accident during a rehearsal, then mysteriously revived as proven by the stigmata on her tongue. Her mind appears to be frozen in place at her time of death, as she portrayed the titular character in “Salome;” her communication is mostly limited to recitations of lines from the play, though she seems to take an occasional direct interest in Maeda. Maeda encounters a mysterious, youthful actor named Deffrot before learning that Misaki has escaped her confinement. He encounters her just as she speaks her final soliloquy and allows herself to be burned to ash in the morning sunlight.