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Taking a Break

Hi everyone! I know the title of this post might seem a little bit ominous, but please don’t take it that way. If you’ve been a frequent reader of the site, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been on a one-post-per-day streak for a little bit over a month, which I’m really proud of. That said, without a constant barrage of new episodes to take in and comment on, it’s difficult to keep up that pace and remain the thoughtful writer I strive to be. So even though this is typically the pattern for the blog, this time I’m stating formally that I’m going to be dialing things back for a while to probably a couple of posts per week. This ought to give my brain a break and give me a little bit of time to gather my thoughts and notes on some longer pieces I’ve been thinking of writing, but haven’t had the time or energy to do so.

This is by no means me stepping away from the blog like I’ve had a tendency to do on occasion and by surprise – I’m feeling good about my writing and don’t feel like taking an extended break. But I’ve also got other things to do in “real life” and a big work deadline coming up fairly soon, so I wanted to be realistic and avoid burnout.

My priorities in the near future are to catch up with my Odd Taxi episode reviews (there should be another up in the next day or so) and to finish a couple of full-series reviews/essays that are sitting partly completed in my drafts at the moment. I’m also planning for some future entries in the “Anime Club no Densetsu” series, because those are a lot of fun to write and have been a great way to revisit some fond (and maybe no-so-fond) memories from my many years attending anime club.

I hope everyone is enjoying this season’s new anime – there are so many great series, I’m not quite sure if I’ll be able to drop any of the ones I was initially interested in! So I’ll be using some of my extra time keeping up with those and catching up on some unfinished business from prior seasons, too.

Thanks, as always, for reading and making anime fandom a great place to be.