Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Autumn 2021 First Impressions – Build-Divide -#000000 Code Black

Streaming: Crunchyroll

Episodes: 12

Source: Multimedia Project (created alongside a card game)

Episode Summary: In Neo Kyoto, one’s place in the world is ruled by the game Build Divide and by the King who sits atop it all, there to grant the wildest wishes of the top players. A mysterious young man named Teruto meets a young woman named Sakura in an alley after she’s attacked by a wandering thug. Teruto seems to have possession of a set of Build Divide cards but has no idea where he got them or why.

Curious, Sakura challenges Teruto to a match, explaining the rules of the game as they play. But fragments of memories remain in Teruto’s mind and he suddenly recalls the true depth of the power he wields in his own two hands. As he defeats Sakura, she decides to put all her faith into his ability to usurp the King. But the King may be prepared for his return.