Anime Reviews First Impressions Reviews

Summer 2022 First Impressions – Smile of the Arsnotoria

Streaming: Crunchyroll

Episodes: 12

Source: Game

Episode Summary: At Ashram Magic Academy, the “Pentragrams” are a group of five girls who, in addition to their magical studies, also cultivate manners and a sense of grace. After school they spend time having tea in their club room until they’re forced to go off and tend to their other student duties.

Arsnotoria is the quietest of the bunch – easily startled, but with a keen sense of smell that seems perfectly tuned to sniff out the delicious fresh-baked scones just outside the school store. Her magical talents are useful for things like warming up milk; unfortunately she doesn’t have the physical prowess to open the jam jar to top the scone she’s having with her tea. These are all very lighthearted troubles, but somewhere outside the school a truly dramatic conflict is taking place.