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July 10th-16th Week-in-Review

Hi everyone. Wow, it’s definitely bee quite the week in my world. Not only because we’ve been in the prep phase for a big upcoming thing at work, but also because there’s been a lot of other things going on in my world that have left me with a lot of uncertainty, and that’s never fun to have to deal with (don’t worry, I’m personally fine; it has to do with some of the other activities I’m involved with). Luckily I’m still able to distract myself with anime.

I’ve been trying to make a little bit more of an effort to stay caught up on episodes of things I’ve found interesting, so I’ll probably talk about those viewings in these posts unless I feel like they warrant their own for some reason.

This week I watched the second episode of Yurei Deco, which did a bit more world-building and also presented Berry with a dilemma of her own to deal with. She discovers the extent of what her parents do in their jobs as content moderators after she witnesses certain events and then logs into her father’s account to see content moderators deleting all evidence of those things under the guise of ensuring that the public doesn’t get upset.

I was initially uncertain how hard the show would delve into its dystopian themes; oftentimes these things serve as nothing more than window-dressing. Obviously this series seems interested in at least exploring the implications of this type of censorship in some form or fashion, which I appreciate.

I also tried to watch the second episode of Lycoris Recoil, but unfortunately I tried to watch it from bed and that was a poor decision – I should know better that, no matter how exciting the content of what I’m watching, watching it from bed never works out. I’ll try again for next time.

Below are the posts from the previous week on S1E1. This season has been unfolding pretty smoothly thus far, and I expect to be done with first episode reviews sometime this week barring any other barriers. Let me know in the comments if you’ve watched anything interesting this past week!

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